Book Haul

Goodwill in North Carolina

Supernanny, Why Men Love Bitches, How to Write a Damn Good Novel
I have been saving parenting books in my amazon wish list for a while. Supernanny wasn't on my list but it being brand new I don't care! I will be reading it soon and discussing the information with the parents I know for feedback.
I have heard Sherry Argov, the author of Why Men Love Bitches on internet talk radio interviews. It was like she was reading my mind when it comes to interacting with men. I saw this book and decided to buy it. I have read a few pages and agreed. This is one of those books I am not in a hurry to read since I'm pretty much satisfied where I am at now. I am going to keep it for other people to borrow though.
How to Write a Damn Good Novel is one that has been on my amazon wish list for a while. I first saw a copy of this book in the Pittsburgh Library three years ago. The copy I bought isn't close to being new. It has that old used book smell but since I wanted the book. I don't regret my purchase.

Goodwill in Bridgeport

Joy of Cooking, How to Sell More in Less Time with No Rejection Using Common sense Telephone Techniques
I have been wanting a Joy of Cooking book for years. I was going to get a Joy of Cooking book eventually when I have children but since I am child free I didn't want to pay the steep price. Lucky me, I got it for 3.00!! It's a 1980 edition which is great because it's closer to the edition my grandmother has. I find it kinda cool and funny that the book is older than me and it's like new. It has some writing from the person who gifted the book but I'm still happy with this buy.
'How to Sell More...' book I bought for information. It's old but I think some of the ways can be adapted for internet customer service lines.
The Daring Book for Girls
I have seen The Daring Book for Girls book at Barnes and Nobles and thought it was cute. I have a niece and I will be giving this to her when I see her. She is too young to read it but her mother can still guide her with the book.

What books have you bought on a bargain lately?

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