Time to Workout - Quote - Video
This past week of working out was pretty terrible for me. I ended up only working out two days (The day I did the time to workout and Sunday). I'm started this week out good though with working out everyday, I plan to keep it up.
I did this video after about an hour and half of working out . It had it's intense times which is great!! Sometimes I have to do a ten minute video when I don't feel like working out. I usually end up pushing out some more videos because I get pumped after that 10 mins.
For this video you will need:
30 Day Fat Burn: Metabolic Booster Workout
For this video you will need:
- Space - enough to jump around and have your body horizontal on the ground.
If you are like me, you need constant motivation. Sometimes I feel like blogging other days I just rather pass, same for exercise. I usually don't have an excuse for myself other than I'm just not feeling it. Sometimes quotes help me. Sometimes reading articles that remind me of the areas I want to target help my motivation. Regardless how I got motivated before I always feel better after my workout. I hope my Time to Workout posts help you stay motivated. :-)
quote source