Time to Workout - Quote - Video

Lately, I have been so into my business (and marathoning Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds) that I have been neglecting my exercise this week. I went to bed late last night, woke up early and haven't been back to sleep. Since I have been constructive all morning I decided why not do a Time to Workout post as well.

For this video you will need:
  • a yoga mat
  • space enough for a yoga mat.

The great thing about this video is that it is truly apartment friendly!! There are no jumps and the space required is small enough for a yoga mat.

If you are like me, you need constant motivation. Sometimes I feel like blogging other days I just rather pass, same for exercise. I usually don't have an excuse for myself other than I'm just not feeling it. Sometimes quotes help me. Sometimes reading articles that remind me of the areas I want to target help my motivation. Regardless how I got motivated before I always feel better after my workout. I hope my Time to Workout posts help you stay motivated. :-)

This quote is so motivating for me when it comes to my business and even blogging. Adapting it to fitness, I know I won't be on the road to super toned if I sit around and wait to feel the spark of motivation that tells me I want to exercise today. I guess for me since I'm satisfied with the way my body is now I really don't have desperation that can push a goal forward.

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