Honey and Panda: Ball Park Jalapeño Beef Sausages and Lay's Wasabi Ginger Chips Food Test Review

Backstory for the Lay's Wasabi Ginger Chips:
They have been out for a while but I never thought to try them. One day during a call my mother raved and ended up recommending them. When I asked what they tasted like she couldn't explain it, she just knew that she liked them. So with that information the very weird sounding chips ended up in the back off my mind list no biggie if I never tried them. When I started vlogging and blogging again I decided to do foodie reviews since well I love food! I remembered she recommends this chips so I sought out to look for them.

Honey and Panda:
Jalapeño Sausages and Wasabi Ginger Chips
Food Test and Review 

Have you tried Lay's Kettle Cooked Wasabi Ginger Chips or
Ball Park Jalapeño Sausages  Cheddar Beef Sausages yet?

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