Time to Workout - Quote- Video

Anne Frank quoteI was failing myself last week. I skipped three days,  Thursday and Friday, I was out of town. Saturday, I was just plain lazy. I didn't feel up to it. Instead I felt up for scarfing down a box of Birthday Cake Oreo cookies. I bought them celebrate...you guessed it, my birthday. I ended up eating two rows in three days. They are so good that I really didn't feel bad for eating them. After I finally got sick of eating the very yummy cookies,  I motivated myself to press it out. Now I'm back on my routine, as expected I'm feeling better than ever.

Recently I have been watching Kuroko's Basketball. It's a sports anime so the moves are exaggerated and theatrical but that's what makes it fun. That is what gets me hyped. Every time I watch an episode from that series I feel like I could run a marathon. I have became so corny that every time I am doing an intense move in a workout I imagine myself as if I was the main character Taiga Kagami and keep pushing. That's what he would do even if it was to his detriment. I don't push to the point of chancing to harm myself though.
I laugh at myself  about visualizing myself as an anime character ( well female version anyways) but whatever works right? As long as I get it done that is all that matters.

As you know from my most recent Six Word Saturday I recently purchased dumbbells of 5 pounds each and a 10 pound kettlebell. To celebrate the purchase I decided to do an exercise that requires a weight. Jillian Michaels: Shred it With Weights Workout- Level 1 gives the option of a Kettle bell or hand weight. 
I must be getting into shape because this workout wasn't as intense for me as I thought it would be. I even put on my ankle weights for this video. It could be just the time of day I did it though since I decided to do in the morning instead of the evening which is my usual time.

What I recommend for this video:
  • Kettlebell or Weights for beginners
  • Yoga Mat

Kuroko Basketball gif
Kuroko from Kuroko's Basketball Source: rebloggy.com
Enjoy sweating it out!

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