Time to Workout: '45 Minute HIIT & Total body Toning Tabata Workout - High Intensity Interval Training Workout' - Fitness Blender

If you don't know I plan to do at least one obstacle course within one year (really aiming for by the end of this year but since I am late in the game I gotta broaden my goal if necessary). So what better to train my body then some good ole HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout and of course running...I'm more pumped on the HIIT than the running. *le sigh*

I did this workout with 2.5 ankle weights and 10 pound dumbbells. It has the two exercises I quail and shudder thinking about them, burpees and push ups but hey if I survived you will too! Overall this was a great video. It has a warm up and a cool down. My body was already warmed up from sets on the abdominal machine but I did the warm up anyways (that's how I roll!) I ended up taking my exercise cami off and just exercised with my sports bra (shorts and shoes still on of course), My body was becoming overwhelming too hot for me to move in a cami in the very cold gym that I usually complain about it being too cold (at first until I start to warm up through working out).

Anywho, I enjoyed this workout I got a great sense of satisfaction after I finished. After the first half I started thinking well I know I'm going to finish the workout so it's not extreme for those who already exercise. I wanna do this with some 5 pound ankle weights because you know I love some intensity!

(Or maybe actually a weighted vest. I have been thinking about buying one of those...)

45 Minute HIIT & Total body Toning Tabata Workout - 
High Intensity Interval Training Workout Fitness Blender

What you will need:
Dumbbells (or use you body weight)
Yoga mat/exercise mat

Also check out some great fitness quotes in the video below
(it might get you pumped up if you are not pumped already!!)

Weekend Workout Motivation/ Fitness Quotes - NAIMA - Let Me See You [NCS Release] 

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