Time to Workout Marathon Day 3: Today's Time to Workout - Quote- Video

I saw "Butt" in the title and I had to do it! lol I did this on my mobile and it suited well since it was a repetition of a few moves. Since this one has jumps, it isn't apartment friendly. However I still like it. While doing Tabata you are supposed to push yourself in the little amount of time you get so this can be a really intense workout if you dare to push yourself.

BeFiT GO: Tabata Butt 10 Minute Circuit Training Workout
For this video you will need:

  • Yoga mat

If you are like me, you need constant motivation. Sometimes I feel like blogging other days I just rather pass, same for exercise. I usually don't have an excuse for myself other than I'm just not feeling it. Sometimes quotes help me. Sometimes reading articles that remind me of the areas I want to target help my motivation. Regardless how I got motivated before I always feel better after my workout. I hope my Time to Workout posts help you stay motivated. :-)
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