Quote of the Day + Commentary

Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. Oscar Wilde
Text says: Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. Oscar Wilde
I saw this quote and I had to share. Now I'm trying to figure out when I should post the quote of the days. I'm thinking evenings so I won't bombard posts in the morning (my time). I think it would be better if I spread out the posts than post them so close. I don't know I will decide on something. Moving back to the quote....
Depending on how you define art, depends on how much you can see how true this quote is. There are some people who use their fashion style as a way to express their individualism. Even pushing the limits and social rules of the style they are affiliated with. A few of the ways I like to express myself are modeling my vision for a product or idea and making graphics for my six word stories, quotes and other blog posts.

To give you an example on how one expresses themselves using their fashion I will use Minori. To me her fashion is art.
Her whole ensemble (including makeup and hair) is an expression of her creativity and dedication for sure!
Visit her site at minori.co

What art form do you use to express yourself?

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